Monday, April 23, 2012

girls Like the summer season

Summer, Like the Season

it's too late now to think of what you could have been,
she said as she braved the cooling air,
and though you'll try, you'll never escape that feeling,
there's a place you'd rather be, but you're not there.
she said:
seasons change, as well as youthful minds,
just how long do you think you can cling to these vines?
her name was Summer.
and I said "you're asking questions
you know well there's no answers to,
the kind that get answered for you."
countdown to a meltdown, might as well run for your life.
for it's depleting and receding like the early morning tide.
well I just smile, I got time.
her name was Summer, and she changed just like the season,
and she left without a reason, and she was gone.
but then came Autumn, but her beauty was deceiving,
amidst the colors it was freezing and she died.
and she died


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