Sunday, May 12, 2013

लोक सेवा २०७० कम्प्युटर अपरेटर उत्तरहरु / lok sewa Compurator operator 2070 answer sheet

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All sets answers are same only sets question no. is different and its options 

  1. multitasking and multi threading is used in-  windows XP (lines is not OS)
  2. An approach that permits the the computer to work on several programs instead on one is- Multiprogramming
  3. while booting how many types of system files will load into RAM:-  3
  4. which menu you have to click if you want to print a document : -file
  5. which one of the following is SK to cut:- ctrl+X
  6. alignment can be found inside the:- page setup
  7. From where do you install font:- font icon of CP
  8. which one is not found in edit menu:- Print 
  9.  to change case, which menu you have to click:- Format
  1. What is the file extension of MS word document:- .DOC
  2. What is the SK of thesaurus :- shift+f7
  3. Electronic spreadsheet is also known as:- none of the above
  4. the contents of a cell may also be edited by pressing :- f2
  5. which one of the following is extension of excel:- XLS
  6. in order to add comment in cell one can use the following steps :- insert > comment
  7. types of data in a cell of a worksheet can be of : all of the above
  8. what do you use to create a chart:- both A and B
  9. multiple calculation can be made in a single formula by using :- array formula
  10. how do you protect your excel sheet :- tools>protection>protect sheet>password
  11. which of the following is not an database application:-excel
  12. a row in a table is also known as:- a record
  13. Which of the following best describes a query: - a query retrieves data......
  14. the query "select* from employee" returns: all rows from table employee
  15. instruction and memory are :- binary codes
  16. a MS access- presents data in a way similar to an excel spreadsheet:- Datasheet view
  17. a field that uniquely identifies a record is called a:- key field
  18. ........ is used to speed of data retrieval :- indexing
  19. a ............. is the readymade styles that can be used for presentation in MS PP:- Template
  20. to enter speaker comments one has to be in which view :- note page view
  21. To use the same fonts and bullets styles on all your text slides you can :- set them in the slide master\
  22. the effects that looks likes the new slide is pushing the old one off the screen is an e.g. of a :- all of the above( dont think specific because all are types of animation)
  23. the ms PP save PP files as following extension:- .ppt
  24. what is the full form of "www" :- world wide web
  25. what is the correct tag to add a hyperlink is HTML page:- <a href='.......'>link name</a>
  26. to draw a horizontal line in HTML we use:- <HR>
  27. a small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a :- computer( i think so because a small device is found inside a computer)
  28. Each  IP packets must contain :- Source and destination address
  29. the two basic types of record access method are:- sequential and random
  30. which of the following memory needs refresh:- DRAM
  31. 1st generation computer used to have processing sped in:- milli seconds
  32. USB= Universal Serial Bus
  33.  Which of the following is an e.g. of OS;- all
  34. which one is not an output device:- keyboard( silly question)
  35. which of the following loses its contains when the computer is offend:- RAM
  36. CPU consists of :- all
  37. what is the main objectives of IT policy 2000:- all
  38. which of the following is network topology:- both A and B
  39. WAN = Wide Area Network
  40. FAT an NTFS in windows is type of :- storage format 
  41. The principle of locality of reference justifies the use of :- virtual memory 

99.99% answers are correct
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