To make people realize that almost all of their daily activities on PCs can be easily done through a browser (or as Google would like to say, a Chromebook) they had launched the ‘web is what you make of it‘ campaign with the famous ‘Dear Sophie’ ad. Although the ad was aired in the US in early May, it made its first appearance on Indian television on June 19th according to alootechie. The ad was about how a father used Google services like Gmail, YouTube and Picasa to capture moments of his daughter’s childhood and presented it to her later in her life.
Google has come out with a second ad in the same series titled ‘Archana’s Kitchen‘ which is based on an Indian woman Archana who used blogger and YouTube to take forward her childhood passion of cooking and developed a loyal fanbase which later got her a deal to write a book and start a catering service. Unlike Google’s Dear Sophie ad which showed a father uploading personal data like pictures and videos onto Google’s servers this ad focuses more on how any person can use the web to do something big. Watch the ad embedded below and also visit
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